Svetlana Madjunkova, MD, PhD, Reproductive Genetics Director

Dr. Svetlana Madjunkova MD, Ph.D holds an MD degree with honors and MSc and PhD in reproductive genetics with focus on pregnancy loss and, invasive and non-invasive prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal abnormalities, inherited disorders and blood group incompatibilities. She completed postdoctoral fellowship with the Department of Laboratory Medicine &Pathology (LMP) at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto working on cell-free and cell-based non-invasive-prenatal testing and a joint clinical-research training in reproductive toxicology with the Division for Clinical Pharmacology,Toxicology and Genetics at SickKids Hospital, Toronto.

Dr Madjunkova is a head of Reproductive Genetics at CReATe Fertility Centre,Toronto,Canada. Her laboratory is uniquely positioned to provide advanced clinical preimplantation; fertility related genetic testing and translate research and new genomic technologies into clinical tests. Dr Madjunkova and her team developed novel PGT-SR test for couples with balanced rearrangements and are leading the clinical adaptation of non-invasive-PGT testing. Her research team works on projects aimed at improving embryo selection, PGT, reproductive failure and improving outcomes in ARTs. Her interest is in the development of novel technologies for non-invasive and comprehensive multi-omic assessment of embryos and fetuses, genetic and epigenetic parental contribution to developing embryo, fetus and offspring. She is leading a collaborative effort to study the effects of mosaicism on embryo development and short-and long-term consequences on child development.

She has published over 40 papers, over 100 scientific communications and is recipient of many awards and fellowships. Dr. Madjunkova is an active collaborator on FP7-EU-project, International Breakpoint Mapping Consortium- Copenhagen, Denmark and grants funded by CIHR.

Dr Madjunkova is co-directing the Reproductive Genetics course for the MSc-Clinical Embryology-program, LMP Department, University of Toronto(UofT), and is actively involved in training for Genetic counseling-MSc students at UofT.

Dr Madjunkova is a member of the Board of Directors of Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society and Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis International Society.